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Top unknown facts about Lord Shiva.

Shiva, one of the supreme gods of the Hindu religion, has come to figure somewhat prominently in pop culture and New Age religions. Keep reading to learn more about this figure and what scholars believe are the origins around his worship.

This time Shub's Top Ten Brings you a list of some Unknown Facts about Lord Shiva.

1. All of his ornaments and marks on his body symbolize something significant in the world

  • Damru

The Damru in his hands created the spiritual sound of ‘Om’ which is present in all living things and is a source of cosmic energy. Shiva uses it to channel his spiritual energy during his ‘Tandava’ cosmic dance.

  • Snake

The snake represents the ‘Vishuddhi chakra’ located in the pit of the throat. It represents a filter to all kinds of poison entering the body. The live snake symbolizes the active state of his Vishuddhi, as snakes are very sensitive to certain energies and substances.

  • Moon

The moon on his forehead represents ‘soma’, which essentially means intoxication. Vedic scriptures describe how the brain is capable of being completely intoxicated and still fully aware and awake. There are millions of receptors in our brain which will receive natural narcotics when certain practices of yoga and meditation are followed.

  • Trishul

The Trishul represents the ‘three fundamental dimensions of life’. The left and right parts represent the basic duality in existence, the logical and intuitive sides of any person. The middle part, or ‘Sushumna’, represents the central dormant space. It is believed that life only begins when you are able to channel energies into the Sushusmna and attain a new inner peace which cannot be disturbed or influenced by outer situations.

  • Third Eye

The ‘third eye’ symbolizes another dimension of perception. The way we perceive existence is illusory, while existence itself is not. The ‘third eye’ represents how meditation and yoga allowed Shiva to refine his energies and enhance his perception of the world around him.

2. Sudarshan Chakra was presented to Lord Vishnu by Lord Shiv

When Vishwakarma collected Sun dust from Surya , he made three objects namely- a Trishul, Pushpaka Viman, and Sudarshan Chakra. The Sudarshan Chakra is believed to represent the sun rays as it was made from the essence and dust of Surya- the Sun God. When Lord Vishnu worshipped Lord Shiva by presenting 999 Lotus flowers and one of his eyes, Lord Shiva was immensely pleased and presented Lord Vishnu with the ‘Sudarshan’ Chakra, which also roughly translates to good vision. The Sudarshan Chakra was also carried by many of Lord Vishnu’s reincarnations like Lord Krishna.

3. Kailash mountain, his abode is considered to be a representation of the center of the universe

Shiva resides at the summit of the legendary Kailash Mountain, which is the abode of his family as well. He is believed to sit there in perpetual meditation with his wife Parvati who represents Shakti. The mountain is at the center of six mountain ranges and is believed to represent a lotus as well. It is the only mountain at the base of which both a fresh water and a salt water lake can be found together. The fresh water Mansarovar and the salt water Rakshas tal represent both the positive and negative energies in the world and that Lord Shiva has control over both of these, thus attaining balance.

4.Story of Rudaraksha

The word rudraksha is derived from Rudra (Shiva—the Hindu god of all living creatures) and aksha (eyes). One Hindu legend says that once Lord Shiva opened His eyes after a long period yogic meditation, and because of strong feelings He shed a tear.

Once there was a demon known as Tripurasur who was very strong and had divine energy and power. Due to these qualities he became proud and started trouble devotees and sages. On seeing this immoral action devtas prayed to Lord Shiva to destroy this evil. Then Lord Shiva closed his eyes and meditate for years. When Lord Shiva opens his lotus shape eyes tears fell to earth. Wherever his tear fell the Rudraksha tree grew. Lord Shiva then used his deadly weapon Aghor and killed Tripurasur.

Lord Shiva told to Raja Bhoj- There was a mystic demon named Tripura(Tripurasura), whom I have already burnt to ashes, he has come again by the order of Bali. He has no origin or Ayoni but he achieved a benediction from me. His name is Mahamada(Muhammad) and his deeds are like that of a ghost. Therefore, O king, you should not go to this land of the evil ghost. By my mercy your intelligence will be purified.

5. Why Shiva likes Cannabis?

Description of cannabis in Hindu mythology have been several times. It has also been given the name of a medicine for one of the human interest. You also want to know why why God why drink Shankar cannabis and why do not drink anything other than this. To know this, today we will tell you about the information given in the Vedas.

The cannabis is a beverage that is toxic and if there is a toxin in the body already, then it eliminates that poison. It is also used in many other types of disorders. Cures made from cannabis are also beneficial in filling body skin and wounds etc. According to some beliefs, the cannabis is one of the five holy plants

According to a story based on mythological stories, Lord Shiva differed with his family and he went into a forest. He went there and slept near the cannabis plants. On awaking, they consumed some leaves, which made them feel very enjoyable and fresh. Therefore, the cannabis was placed in the favorable choice of Bhole Nath.

6.Lord Shiva in a smiling face is under the feet of angry Mother kaali

Once upon a time, Goddess Kali was on a rampage no demon,human,God stood a chance at stopping her blood-lust. A collective prayer was made to Lord Shiva by all beings to try to stop this Maha Shakti form of his consort(Maa Parvati). Such was the power of the Goddess that wherever she set foot,absolute destruction followed suit. Lord Shiva realized that he had to reach out to her in terms of emotions. As such, he decided to lay down in Goddess’s path. When maa Kali finally reached the spot where lord Shiva was lying down,she did not notice until she stepped on his chest And then sudden realization dawned on her and she snapped out of her reverie and found herself extremely ashamed and guilty as she sticking out her tongue instinctively as a sign of regret.

7.Lord Shiva covers his body with Ash

There is a real story in the puran which narrates how Lord Shiva came to be assoslciate with ash.

There once lived a sage whose linage was traced to famous saint Bhrigu. This sage performed intense austerities and became very powerful. He used to consumed only green leaves and thus got the name Parnada. Once while cutting some grass to repair his hermitage the sage cut his finger. But to his suprise instead of blood he saw sap of tree oozing through the cut. Now sage thought that he had become ao pious that instead of blood, sap is oozing through his body. Pride filled in his mind and he started shouting in joy that he is most pious man in this world now.

Lord Shiva who witnessed this event took the guise of an old man and reached the spot. Then the old man asked what is there to be elated in this. It is just a sap. But when trees and plants are burned they turn into ash. Only ash remain in the end and that is surely the higher stage.

To demonstrate it the old man sliced his finger and suddenly ash came out of it. Sage soon realized that it was Lord Shiva and prayed him for forgiveness for his ignorance.

So Lord Shiva wear ash to remind us about the ultimate truth of this world and foolishness of getting enamored in the physical beauty.


a. The custom of convey Kanwar began in the Treta Yuga. Ruler Rama had conveyed the blessed Ganges water from Sultanganj in a kanwar and offered to Lord Shiva at Babadham.

b. At the point when the agitating of seas –Samudra Manthan – occurred in the month of Shravan, fourteen separate sorts of rubies turned out. Thirteen of these were appropriated amongst the evil presences, aside from Halahal (toxin). Ruler Shiva drank the Halahal and put away it in his throat. Subsequently the name Neelkantha (importance blue throat) is ascribed to Shiva. To lessen the solid impact of toxic substance, Lord Shiva wore the sickle moon on his head. All the Gods from there on began offering the Ganges water to Lord Shiva to reduce the impact of toxic substance. Since, this happened in the month of Shravan, from that point forward the Shiva enthusiasts offer the Ganges water in the not so distant future.

c. As indicated by the Puranas, the daemon ruler Ravana had brought the Ganges water from Haridwar and offered to Lord Shiva.

9.Meaning Of Shivlinga

Shiva Linga is a symbol of union of the duality of the Shiva (The Pure One) and Shakti (sacred force or empowermentoror or the cosmic energy). This union is the source of all the creation around us. Shiva and Shakti can be considered as a metaphor for union of the duality to represent the ultimate non-duality (creation) of the universe. The Divine Awareness (or The Bliss, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Chaitanya, Moksha, Super-Soul, Supreme Awareness or Supreme Consciousness)

10.Lord Shiva tells 7 secrets of Success

Lord Shiva said, "There are seven secrets":

Phalis'yatiiti vishva'sa siddherprathama laks'an'am
Dvitiiyam' shraddhaya' yuktam'
Trtiiyam' Gurupu'janam
Caturtho samata'bha'vo
Paincamendriya nigraha
S'as't'hainca pramita'ha'rah
Saptamam' naeva vidyate.

  1. Firm Determination
  2. A man must have Shraddha(believe)
  3. Gurupujanam- Be obedient to your parents and real Spritual teachers and God.
  4. Mental Equilibrium(Balanced of mind in joy and pain).
  5. You must self restraint.
  6. Balanced diet : the food should be substantial. And not only that, it should be good for your body, mind and spirit. Meat and other animal products may be good for the body, but not good for the mind and spirit. So yours should be a careful selection of food.
  7. There is no seventh factor.
Om Nama Shivaya !


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